Protect Your Rights Immediately

If you or a loved one has been arrested or charged in San Diego with a misdemeanor, felony, or DUI, the consequences can be VERY serious.

Recent Case Results in San Diego

Reckless driving; Soma Vicodin; .24 blood

Second Offense

DUI Under age 21/.07%

Case Dismissed

Ran red light; .18 blood; refusal

strike refusal allegation


Our San Diego DUI defense attorney carries out highly effective defense strategies after a DUI arrest to protect the rights of his clients. If you have been arrested for a DUI offense, Superior Law Center will protect your rights

  • What if I have been contacted by a detective or investigator?

    If you have been contacted by a detective or investigator for alleged criminal misconduct, you must contact an experienced and aggressive DUI and Criminal defense attorney now. Our experienced and aggressive DUI and Criminal defense attorney may be able to >prevent an arrest or the filing of criminal charges against you. Time is of the essence. Contact Superior Law Center now so that your rights are not compromised.

  • Now that I’ve been accused of a crime, what’s going to happen to me?

    If you have been contacted by a detective or investigator for alleged criminal misconduct, you must contact an experienced and aggressive DUI and Criminal defense attorney now. Our experienced and aggressive DUI and Criminal defense attorney may be able to >prevent an arrest or the filing of criminal charges against you. Time is of the essence. Contact Superior Law Center now so that your rights are not compromised.

  • Arraignment – Should I appear without an attorney?

    If you have been contacted by a detective or investigator for alleged criminal misconduct, you must contact an experienced and aggressive DUI and Criminal defense attorney now. Our experienced and aggressive DUI and Criminal defense attorney may be able to >prevent an arrest or the filing of criminal charges against you. Time is of the essence. Contact Superior Law Center now so that your rights are not compromised.

  • Pretrial Conferences

    If you have been contacted by a detective or investigator for alleged criminal misconduct, you must contact an experienced and aggressive DUI and Criminal defense attorney now. Our experienced and aggressive DUI and Criminal defense attorney may be able to >prevent an arrest or the filing of criminal charges against you. Time is of the essence. Contact Superior Law Center now so that your rights are not compromised.

  • Motions

    If you have been contacted by a detective or investigator for alleged criminal misconduct, you must contact an experienced and aggressive DUI and Criminal defense attorney now. Our experienced and aggressive DUI and Criminal defense attorney may be able to >prevent an arrest or the filing of criminal charges against you. Time is of the essence. Contact Superior Law Center now so that your rights are not compromised.

  • Preliminary Hearing

    If you have been contacted by a detective or investigator for alleged criminal misconduct, you must contact an experienced and aggressive DUI and Criminal defense attorney now. Our experienced and aggressive DUI and Criminal defense attorney may be able to >prevent an arrest or the filing of criminal charges against you. Time is of the essence. Contact Superior Law Center now so that your rights are not compromised.

  • Jury Trial

    If you have been contacted by a detective or investigator for alleged criminal misconduct, you must contact an experienced and aggressive DUI and Criminal defense attorney now. Our experienced and aggressive DUI and Criminal defense attorney may be able to >prevent an arrest or the filing of criminal charges against you. Time is of the essence. Contact Superior Law Center now so that your rights are not compromised.

  • How long will it take to resolve my case?

    If you have been contacted by a detective or investigator for alleged criminal misconduct, you must contact an experienced and aggressive DUI and Criminal defense attorney now. Our experienced and aggressive DUI and Criminal defense attorney may be able to >prevent an arrest or the filing of criminal charges against you. Time is of the essence. Contact Superior Law Center now so that your rights are not compromised.

  • What are the fees for hiring Superior Law Center?

    If you have been contacted by a detective or investigator for alleged criminal misconduct, you must contact an experienced and aggressive DUI and Criminal defense attorney now. Our experienced and aggressive DUI and Criminal defense attorney may be able to >prevent an arrest or the filing of criminal charges against you. Time is of the essence. Contact Superior Law Center now so that your rights are not compromised.

  • Will I have to serve jail or prison time?

    If you have been contacted by a detective or investigator for alleged criminal misconduct, you must contact an experienced and aggressive DUI and Criminal defense attorney now. Our experienced and aggressive DUI and Criminal defense attorney may be able to >prevent an arrest or the filing of criminal charges against you. Time is of the essence. Contact Superior Law Center now so that your rights are not compromised.

  • How come my charges in court are different than my booking charges?

    If you have been contacted by a detective or investigator for alleged criminal misconduct, you must contact an experienced and aggressive DUI and Criminal defense attorney now. Our experienced and aggressive DUI and Criminal defense attorney may be able to >prevent an arrest or the filing of criminal charges against you. Time is of the essence. Contact Superior Law Center now so that your rights are not compromised.